Mar.2020 30
Views: 1630
Several Points Should Not Be Ignored in Installation of Horizontal Concealed Fan Coil Unit
The horizontal concealed fan coil unit is installed in the ceiling. If the installation is not good, it is easy to suffer from water leakage, bubble roof, or excessive noise. No matter what kind, maintenance is inevitable. Therefore, all preparations shou
The horizontal concealed fan coil unit is the most widely used  nowadays, mainly because the thickness of the fan coil unit is very thin, whether it is a double-deck with a high design, a flat floor, or the most standard house height, it can well control  without causing depression.
The horizontal concealed fan coil unit is installed in the ceiling. If the installation is not good, it is easy to suffer from water leakage, bubble roof, or excessive noise. No matter what kind, maintenance is inevitable. Therefore, all preparations should be made at the initial stage of installation.

In order to avoid the above problems, the installation of horizontal concealed fan coil unit must not ignore the following points:

1. Hose connection is used at the connection pipe of fan coil unit, which can protect the nozzle of the fan coil unit from damage, reduce the noise generated during the operation of fan coil unit, and facilitate the observation of condensed water of fan coil unit.
2. The installation must be kept at absolute level to ensure that the condensed water of fan coil unit can be discharged smoothly without water leakage.
3. Damping gaskets shall be used at the joint of fan coil unit and hanger rod to reduce the noise of fan coil unit operation;
4. There should be a certain gap between the horizontal concealed fan coil unit and the suspended ceiling. The fan coil unit cannot be attached to the ceiling. When the fan coil unit is running, it is easy to resonate with the suspended ceiling and increase noise.

The installation of horizontal concealed fan coil units must not be ignored. Have you noticed some points?
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